понедельник, 7 июля 2014 г.

free Easy ECG 1.0 torrent download

Easy ECG


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This app is so simple that it will allow someone with NO cardiology training whatsoever to interpret ECG rhythms in Lead 2 with 99% accuracy.

Easy ECG is a simple, user-friendly application that helps the user interpret cardiac rhythms in Lead 2 by having the user answer a series of simple questions based on the presence, absence, or measurement of various characteristics on a patient’s ECG printout. While all possible rhythms are not included, 40 of the most common rhythms seen by pre-hospital providers are included, and can be identified by answering less than 10 yes or no questions. While it is intended for case review or studying, EasyECG is written to be easy enough to allow someone with no ECG training to interpret an ECG rhythm.

Other ECG apps out there were written by physicians and go into cardiologist-level detail in interpreting ECGs. EasyECG was written by a practicing street paramedic for EMTs, paramedics, nurses, firefighters, residents, and students of all levels to have a simple, quick, easy to use interface for interpretation. This app does not include sample rhythms for interpretation, as that is not its purpose; the purpose is to help the user correctly interpret an ECG rhythm.

DIRECTIONS: Examine the Lead 2 tracing of a patient’s ECG, and answer questions in the app based on what is seen on the patient’s ECG printout. In some cases, a sample ECG complex with the characteristic in question highlighted in green will appear under the question to clarify what is being asked (not every question has a sample image, only certain questions). All questions have an info button if additional clarification is needed, and the info button on the final rhythm determination gives a description of what is occurring in the electrical conduction system of heart to cause that rhythm. A definitions list is accessible from the main menu that explains the physiology behind each rhythm included and explains what is occurring in the heart with each wave in an ECG tracing.

Content created by:

Cody Blount, BS, NREMT-P, FP-C

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With Deliver Us From Evil, Amy Berg was a great documentary Seeing West of Memphis at Sundance, we felt Amy had outdone themselves with this unusual anatomy and examination of injustice We look forward to. Working with her and producer Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson, Damien Echols and Lorri Davis bringing this exciting and important drama audiences everywhere, said Sony Pictures Classics. This is an incredible film and we will definitely help West of Memphis a powerful doc that the new investigation of the West Memphis Three , which broke the end to open the case and to the liberty the three innocent chronicles: defective Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley Jr Easy ECG 1.0 apk free download . Starting with a searing examination of the deadly police investigation into the 1993 murders of three, eight year old boys in the small town of West Memphis, Arkansas, the film goes to personal insight into Echols ' fight to save his life reveal how as he survived years on death row and then themselves from the hatred and ignorance of those who tried to destroy him was freed. The film poses the question that still haunts Echols, high-profile Misskelley to this day - what is the value we as a society to the truth In fact.

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