Taxi/Limo Dispatch/Order Mgmt
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BizRoamer provides a low cost hi-tech Dispatch, Order Management, Record Logging and GPS Vehicle Tracking solution for single operator to medium size Taxi/Limo companies as well as other business running delivery/courier services, such as, car services, tour bus, school bus, merchandise deliveries, pizza deliveries, garbage pickups, street sweeping, spraying & snow plowing.
Our complimentary BizRoamer web based Scheduling, Dispatch, Order Management and Record Logging Systems seamlessly integrated with our mobile apps to manage daily scheduling, dispatch and order processing with color coded drivers' work list Gantt chart and order list. It can help better manage your business by increasing productivity, keeping records, reducing cost, achieving higher on-time arrival rate, improving customer satisfaction as well as relationship and staying ahead of your competitors.
Our GPS Vehicle Tracking service manages and monitors your fleet of vehicles in the real time using our patented mobile apps on your smart Android phones in the vehicles. The locations and routes of your vehicles are displayed close to the real time on the Goggle Maps.
Our BizLimo/BzTaxi mobile apps provide the following capabilities to your drivers through the state of the art cell phone technologies:
- Receive order information, such as, customer name, contact info, pickup/drop-off time and addresses, flight number.
- Invoke the Google Navigator to navigate to the pickup/drop-off location with the touch of a button. There is no need to enter the address manually.
- Call the customer by simply pressing the auto-dialer icon while driving.
- Check the real time flight arrival or departure information by touching the flight number field.
- Stay connected with the back office by reporting the latest status of the order (e.g. en-route, pickup, completed) automatically by touching the predefined soft buttons.
- Optionally, notify the customer upon dispatch and about to arrive automatically by sending SMS text message to the customer when the vehicle is within a preset radius of the pickup location.
- Optionally, send a web access link automatically to the customer to locate the vehicle on the Google Maps.
Our patented "Notify Customers Before Arrival" and "Customers Web Access to Vehicles Location" optional features can further boost your bottom line by offering such hi-tech features to technological savory customers, improve customer satisfaction and leave your competitors in the dust.
The web based design makes our system compatible with and/or supplement your existing system. Open design and interface allows easy integration with Google Calendar and any existing systems.
We offer a very affordable price for this hi-tech solution. Download our mobile apps from the Android Market for $5.99 per phone. The basic monthly subscription fee is $4.99 per phone using your Android phone and data plan with unlimited access and use of our web based Scheduling and Order Management Systems. Optional features cost extras.
V1.1 Enhancements on 2012/12/18
- Support Taxi services by allowing tour to be started without entering customer name, phone and addresses.
- Optionally invoke Google reverse geo-coding to locate current street address based on the GPS location to populate address fields upon arrival and completion of tour.
- Support of new Google Calendar API on Android 4.0 & 4.1.
- A new Arrived button to track arrival time.
- New option to send SMS text message to customer when the Enroute, Arrived and Complete buttons are pressed
- Allow entry of tips and fuel spent when completing orders.
Note: You MUST register at our web site and activate your account by clicking on the activation link from our Registration Confirmation email before using this app, otherwise, this app won't function properly. Please refer to the Getting Started info on our web site (
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Occupation of Sam Mendes' Upcoming 'James Bond 23'Rhys Ifans is a BAFTA-nominated actor on the rise, which in films like The Informers, Pirate Radio, Greenberg, Nanny McPhee Returns, Passion Play Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: part 1 as Xenophilius Lovegood. But his greatest roles are yet to come, with Edward de Vere aka Shakespeare in Roland Emmerich's Anonymous and especially Dr. Curt Connors aka The Lizard in Marc Webb 's The Amazing Spider-Man download Taxi/Limo Dispatch/Order Mgmt 1.2.10 for free . He is a great actor, to see him landing MMORE wheels, plus it 's just great more Britons are more Britons are occupation in the next Bond. Can not wait to see what Mendes wants to do. Playwright Patrick Marber is working on the script.
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