вторник, 8 июля 2014 г.

download WhereSleepsMyCar - Car Finder apk free

WhereSleepsMyCar - Car Finder


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WhereSleepsMyCar is a Car Finder that allows you to save the location of your car automatically, so to always know where it's parked and to easily find the vehicle.

The app, using the innovative Google's API, can handle your parking lots in automatic, without there being any need to remember to manually save the position every time you go down from the car.

In addition WSMC can be integrated with the Bluetooth of your car (if available) to get a location even more timely and accurate.

WSMC is the most new, convenient and innovative Car Finder in the Play Store. With WSMC you can track the position of your car in automatic so to find it without wasting time!

A brief summary with the main features of the Car Finder:

- manual registration of the car location;

- automatic registration of the car location;

- page with daily summary of the parking lots;

- integration with Google Maps to get to the place where you left the car;

- possibility to add a photo and/or a note to the parking;

- possibility to share the car location;

- long press on the map to register the location in a fully manual mode;

- widgets for your home;

- possibility to integrate the Car Finder with the Bluetooth of your car for a detecting of your parking lots location even more timely and accurate.

N.B.: to use the auto detect car location you need "Wi-Fi & mobile network location" enabled in "Location access" device settings.


WSMC - Car Finder [AndroidTapp]: http://ift.tt/1po7IxT

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