вторник, 8 июля 2014 г.

download Bought! 2.1.4 for free



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With "Bought!" you manage your shopping fast and simple – and with direct voice control. The shopping list app is attractive and easy to use.

You can add your shopping articles via voice control without annoying typing on a much too small screen.

Manage any number of shopping lists and send them via SMS or mail or share them with your Facebook friends. During the shopping you can comfortly cross out the articles that you put into your cart - even by voice control if the hands are full.

Of course our app is free of adds.

The functions:

- Very simple usage

- Attractive design

- Voice commands for all functions

- Directly add articles by voice recognition

- Support for several lists

- Simple navigation by swipe gestures

- Send shopping lists via SMS, mail etc.

- Number of all articles and all unbought articles at a glance

- Keyboard is visible immediately when it is required

- Customizable sort order

- Change state of all articles at once

- multilingual, including help (English, German, Spanish, French)

If you notice usage problems or have improvement ideas we are happy if you send us a mail and give us some feedback.

If you don't have a credit card you can download 'Bought!' here:


Download .apk

Olga Kurylenko and Andrea Riseborough Kosinski Cast in New Sci-FiKosinski The new project has many names - Horizons or Oblivion originally - but is called Untitled Sci-Fi Project 'means at the moment, because of summer 2013 Bought! 2.1.4 apk free download . The story is about a soldier on a future Earth, the surface of which has been destroyed by aliens stationed. A mysterious woman a mysterious woman in a crash-landed pod, it of events that of events that him everything he knows to doubt. That on earth part was just revealed. It sounds like the woman in the pod Kurylenko could be in in the lead. Riseborough role, on the other hand, has been revealed to be not at all, so we 're not sure how it fits in still either are. Kosinski from a screenplay by from a script by William Monahan and Karl Gajdusek Director.

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