воскресенье, 10 августа 2014 г.

download Pass the CFP apk free

Pass the CFP


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Pass the CFP® allows you to take hundreds of flashcards covering all CFP topics wherever you go. Pass the CFP® is designed to be a textbook replacement for the Certified Financial Planner exam. The flashcards provide detailed explanations that are easy to understand whether you have a strong finance background or if you are new to the securities industry.

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- Comprehensive coverage of CFP® exam topics

- Search function helps you find what you need

- Set aside cards you need to review

- Clean, well-designed layout focused on the content

Includes all topics:

General Principles of Financial Planning

Insurance Planning and Risk Management

Investment Planning

Retirement Planning

Estate Planning

Employee Benefits Planning

Income Tax Planning

CFP Formula Section

A product of Passing Score

Passing Score is dedicated to creating mobile products that help you pass the most difficult finance exams and understand complex financial concepts.

Download .apk

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