вторник, 8 июля 2014 г.

download US Military Reserve Retirement free android app

US Military Reserve Retirement


Download .apk

This app will calculate the expected retirement pay for US military reserve service members.

User inputs are:

- Current Number of Points

- Current Number Of Qualifying Years

- Year of Retirement

- Pay Grade At Retirement

- Qualifying Years To Retirement

- Expected Points For Each Future Qualifying Year

- Expected Annual Pay Raise

Calculates Monthly Retirement for First Year of Retirement and Allows the User to Email all Details of the Calculation


- Service Member Falls Under the High-3 Retirement System (Service Entry Date >= 08SEP1980)

- Service Member Will Be At The Inputted Pay Grade For The Last Three Years Before Retirement

- Service Member Will Transfer to The Retired Reserve At The Inputted Year Of Retirement

Let the developer know of requests for functionality updates and possible changes.

Download .apk

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