Rawpal Gallery
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Your best pal when shooting RAW pictures with your DSLR camera!!!
Rawpal is the perfect application to import and view DSLR Raw picture taken, so far, with NIKON (DSLR, except D100 and D2H, and Coolpix), CANON, PANASONIC, SONY, PENTAX or OLYMPUS Cameras. Also supports Adobe DNG format. You can also browse your raw pictures from your favorite filebrowser by selecting Rawpal Gallery from the list of actions associated to image type.
This version is ad-free. If you want to try the application, please, install the "lite" version as is fully functional.
Some of the main functionalities:
- Review & Import pictures directly from your DSLR camera.
- Export/copy pictures to any shared resource on your Wifi network (Shared directories).
- Creation of different galleries pointing to any directory in disk or LAN shares.
- Double tap zoom.
- Shows pictures's exif information.
- Full screen view.
Please, send any feedback or problem to rawpal.gallery@gmail.com
Follow us on Twitter: @RawpalGallery
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Years ago Hardy Ready to Ride bikers Outlaw film in Warner Bros download Rawpal Gallery 3.0.2 free android app . EasyVacancy writer Mark L. Smith wrote the script, based on an idea by John Linsom based produce alongside Hardy. There is no launch date yet, but it is certainly one of the brass at Warner Bros. The Weinstein Company has already pushed back John Hillcoat is able to district the wettest on Hardy fame from the franchise hype so far, so it is not unusual tactics. The last biker movie that I can remember in 2008 was presented to Hell Ride, by Quentin Tarantino and starring Dennis Hopper , Vinnie Jones and Michael Madsen , so Hardy in good company when it portrays by bad - asses some hardcore bikers on the big screen. Are you excited?
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