вторник, 8 июля 2014 г.

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Look at the first tease for the first trailer for Rian Johnson's sci-fi Looper, in high def on Apple:In the futuristic action-thriller Looper, time travel will be invented? illegal and only illegal and only on the black market. If the mob to get rid of anyone wants them? Their goal 30 years in the past where Looper a hired gun, like Joe? waiting mopping Courtesy Call 1.0 apk free download . Joe is getting richer and life is good. They decide to they decide to close the circle , returning Joe tomorrow for. What would you do if you hunt and kill, had their own future? And here we go again ready for another week of trailer teases? Sony is the next to follow suit after Prometheus in small slices with teaser to teases via Apple for the next three days until the big premiere of Rian Johnson Looper official trailer. Featurette featurette has star Joseph Gordon-Levitt in chat with Rian Johnson about the movie and his character, and gives you a very small glimpse into some of the shots we are going to see in 3 days in the actual trailer. Bruce Willis also stars remain in Looper, but tuned for more as it come to much.

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