Army PRT
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The original, most up-to-date and comprehensive Army PRT application out there. With over 8000 download on the original version, and an average rating of 4.75, this the most downloaded and highest rated PRT app on the market. Links to the originals can be found here
(These apps were removed for Trademark infringement and are in the process of being reinstated)
- All the new PRT exercises IAW FM 7-22 (Formerly known as TC 3-22.20)
- Videos for select exercises
- Timers (15,30,60, 30/60, 60/120's)
Coming Soon
- PT Calendar. Reference the workout schedules in FM 7-22 or build your own
- PT Share. Share your PT schedule with your peers and subordinates
- My Exercises. Create your own workouts and put them in your schedule
- PT Flash Cards. Do card PT with the PRT workouts and your own.
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Obama praised Van Duzer work running a blood drive, and called it a big-hearted guy, what it didn t care what may be his party affiliation.And, the beer: Obama said that the White House Pub offered as a way of produce the massive amounts of honey in the hive handle in the First Lady 's Garden Although he 's not because he is known a great drunkard, Obama claimed the beer was pretty tasty download Army PRT 1.0 free android app . If the presidency doesn t work out, we have a small brewery, he joked.
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